Happy Dance
Yesterday was an awsome day. One of the groups on Ravelry had a get together yesterday at one of the members home,(Chris you home is beautiful). Part of the focus for the day was spinning.Chris has a business selling batts and spun yarn( http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=55462 )
I haven't been spinning lately because it wasn't going well. The fiber was being over spun. Ruthee helped me out and we discovered why this was happening(I need to buy a new spring). The problem was the fiber wasn't drawing onto the bobbin well. The highlight of the day (for me) was the raffle. Trish had taken in a horse that was in very poor health due to starvation ( http://www.trishthedish.typepad.com/ ). Feeding the horse is very expensive and many of the ladies donated items for a basket to raffle to raise money to help with this expence,and I won it!!
Here is a list of things that were in it:
drop spindle
2 fiber bats in multi colors
2 skeins of Noro yarn
2 skeins of Pattons wool
3 skeins of hand spun wool
6 skeins of Fibertrends cotton(Scoubi Du)
a Felted pin cushion
8 stich markers
2 note cards
pen and pad
a gift certificate for $25 to Stitch n Time (a LYS)
I was so surprised I didn't say anything at first.
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