Bad week

Well last week wasn't the best week I've had in a while on the 15th we had to have our cat Sunny put down as her kidneys shut down and there was little hope of pulling her through it. She had lost a lot of wieght and was feeling really bad. Poor Steph took it hard as she was mostly her cat, we had some warning but it is still hard.
Finished my exchange knitting along with Melina's sweater. Got the exchange items in the mail on Monday but had to wait on Melina's. Took the box to the post office but then saw that it wasn't addressed so had to wait. I hope to get it in the mail this week.
Bought some needles on e-bay last week hope to get them soon. They are like the ones I got from my cousins when my Aunt Kitty passed away as she was a knitter too. They are nylon and spun in one peice so there is no join at the needle and cable.
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