Knit in Public Winter Edition

Yesterday I went to a Knit in Public day that a local knitter (Kimber) decide to host as the one in June tends to be very hot here in Florida. The location was perfect, a park in Riverside right on the river with lots of trees. There were plenty of place to eat near by and plenty of parking near by also. There were door prizes and raffel prizes and I won one of each, a baby bat from Sugarbee Studios and a skein of yarn with a notecard, notebook and pencil jncluded.
The weather was nice althoough it did start to rain ait later in the day. We even had visitors the two legged kind along with the four legged variety. Unfortunetly my camera's memory card fried so I lost all the pictures I had taked. I have gotten some from other people but so far none of the dog that visited.
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