Where has the time gone
Wow I can't believe it has been so long since my last post. I still haven't been doing a lot of knitting. I have a few projects on the needles. Two shawls for me (one triangle and one rectangle in feather and fan). A shrug for my mother, this was her Christmas present but on hold for a little while. Last but not least a pair of socks for me made with Cascade Fixation.
Mother's shrug is on hold as something is going on with my hands, the itch then blister. I don't know if it was a reaction to the yarn I was using as it started when I was working heavily on the schrug or just something that happened. Have stopped working on it to see if the hands clear up.
I know it isn't the wool as I have worked with wool before but it might be the dye in the wool. I am beginging to think it isn't the wool as I haven't worked on it for about a week and the hands are the same, so must get back to it and finish it.
I made another dress for Stephanie for reenacting and bought one so now she has 3 dresses. Only thing is she has a friend that came with us to the lase event and 

loves it so wants to continue so I told her I would make her things as money is tight for her. Here are some pictures of the two of them.
loves it so wants to continue so I told her I would make her things as money is tight for her. Here are some pictures of the two of them.
Christmas was good this year, I was off for both Christmas Eve and the day(next year I work the day). Tom got me an antique trunk, it needs some restoration before I can use it but it is beautiful.He also told me to buy the writing desk I wanted so I got a lap desk in I think mahogany(I will have to check it to be sure). I will post pictures of these later. I also recieve 2 watches, I now could wear a different watch every day of the week once I get batteries and bands for all of them.
The kids are doing well, Stephanie has her learners permit for driving and Ejvind will get his soon as he will be taking drivers ed at school the next semester. Now if I can just get him to bring his grades up. I have started him on omega 3 fish oil and flaxseed oil as I have heard this can help with some of his issues that effect his school work (we shall see). I hope it does as he does not want to take his ADHD meds any more.
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