Marilyn's Place

Monday, April 04, 2005

steph's scarf Posted by Hello

DD(Steph)knitting Posted by Hello

Been busy

I've been busy at work and haven't done that much knitting lately. I'm still working on Steph's socks. These will take a while as they are knee hi, I have about 4 inches left to go on sock #1 before I turn the heel. I will post a picture later.
I used up all of the fiber I had for spinning and ordered some more off of e-bay, I'm waiting for it to come.
Talked to a e-friend that has an angora rabbit and she will send me some of it's fur so I can try spinning it. If I like it I may get a few rabbits myself.

She is Knittng

Steph (my DD) is finally knitting. I have tried more than once to get her to knit but every time she said she didn't like it. I found away to get her to knit.
She wore the scarf Patti made her to school one day and one of her friends loved it so much she took it from her and wore it part of the day. When she gave it back she told Steph she wanted one for her birthday. Well I told Steph that it was easy to make and she could do one. So now she is knitting and making her friend a scarf. We bought two kinds of yarn an eyelash yarn called Angel Hair and Bernat Ping Pong. She has been working on it and now is about halfway done