Marilyn's Place

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

A little quiz

This is the results of a little quiz I took , kind of cute
Granny knitter
You may not be a granny, but you've got the
mentality. Hard work and artistic vision lead
to your beautiful knitted results.

Are you a knitter?
brought to you by

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Slowing down

Well I've slowed down on my knitting of Christmas gifts. I have half a dish cloth done and about a quarter to one third done on a shawl. I haven't even started on the second sweater yet. Work has gotten so busy there is no time for knitting there. A side effect of work is I have developed tendonitis (tennis elbow) in my right arm. Since I can't ret my arm at work I have had to cut way back on how long I knit or go on the computer. This is a bit frustrating but have gotten a lot of reading done. I have to at least finish the second sweater as this is for a child and the other gifts are for adults and they will understand if it is late.