Marilyn's Place

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Melina's sweater

Well it is finally done here is the sweater I wasn 't sure would ever get finished. I ran out of one of the yarns about 1/4 of the way down the second sleeve. I could not find a yarn to even come close to the yarn I was using so was already to order it on line and hope it worked. The with a lot of luck the store I bought it from got some more in and was I lucky I found one skein of the yarn that I had used in the right color. I grabbed it and went home to finish it. Now all that is left to do is mail it to Melina.

Posting links

Well I think I got it after getting some advice from some friends I played around with things again and I think I got it right this time. Still need to take a picture of the completed sweater before I mail it off.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

It's finished

I finally finished the sweater/jacket for my neice. Had a major problem at one point, I ran out of yarn for the sweater. Looked every where for a match but couldn't find anything. I was prepared to order some on line from a site that carried the yarn I needed. Then just by chance I looked at a Big Lots flyer and saw they had some more yarn on sale as this is where I bought the yarn originally I decided to go there to look. Wonders of wonders they had one skein in the color I needed, one skein is all I needed. So now it is finished and I will get it in the mail this week. A picture will be posted soon.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Sister in Law's shawl

Sister in Law's shawl

I finially finished the shawl for my sister in law last Thursday night. We were down at Disney World to see my nephew's high school band play at the park. We turned it into a mini vacation and spent a some time with my brother, his wife and children. I finished the shawl late Thursday night and gave it to my sister in law Friday morning.
It came out wider than I thought it would but it is light enough that it can be folded in half to make it thicker and narrower. Here is a picture of her modeling it with my neice.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Fluffy knitters Bloggers

I have joined a list ring that is bloggers that are Fluffy. For those of you who don't understand that term it mean plus size. I have been having trouble getting the link to show in my blog but I think a form of it is there will continue to work at it to get it the way I want it. Have asked my dd to help as she seems to understand more about this part of blogging than I do.

Late Christmas presents

I've been working hard to finish a few Christmas gifts that didn't get done in time. Was almost finished with one the horrors of horrors I ran out of yarn. The store that I bought the yarn at no longer has this yarn so I can't get anymore from them. Found a site that has the yarn but no am not sure about the color. A fellow member of a knitting forum I belong to sent me some yarn that was supose to be the same color but it isn't so know I don't know what I will do. I don't need much as the project is almost done and I hate to buy a full skein for something that may take less that 1/2 of a skein. I may just break down and order it and pray that it matches or is at least close.
When I dicovered I wouldn't have enough yarn to finish I started the other gift I didn't have time to do, I'm hoping I can get it done quick as I will be seening the person it is for the end of this week and would like to give it to her then. It is taking longer that I thought as I restarted about 3 times trying to get things right.