Monday, July 28, 2008
Happy Dance
Yesterday was an awsome day. One of the groups on Ravelry had a get together yesterday at one of the members home,(Chris you home is beautiful). Part of the focus for the day was spinning.Chris has a business selling batts and spun yarn( )
I haven't been spinning lately because it wasn't going well. The fiber was being over spun. Ruthee helped me out and we discovered why this was happening(I need to buy a new spring). The problem was the fiber wasn't drawing onto the bobbin well. The highlight of the day (for me) was the raffle. Trish had taken in a horse that was in very poor health due to starvation ( ). Feeding the horse is very expensive and many of the ladies donated items for a basket to raffle to raise money to help with this expence,and I won it!!
Here is a list of things that were in it:
drop spindle
2 fiber bats in multi colors
2 skeins of Noro yarn
2 skeins of Pattons wool
3 skeins of hand spun wool
6 skeins of Fibertrends cotton(Scoubi Du)
a Felted pin cushion
8 stich markers
2 note cards
pen and pad
a gift certificate for $25 to Stitch n Time (a LYS)
I was so surprised I didn't say anything at first.
Monday, July 21, 2008

This past week has been a crazy week. All of my family got together at Disney World. Logings cortesy of my sister Sue. My mother wasn't able to attend as she hasn't been feeling up to par.We all converged on Sunday July 13 and had dinner together some of the time we were in the park together other times we went seperate ways. We all got together again on Wed the day we were leaving and had breakfast before going into the parks for the final time. It was a good time and everyone had a lot of fun. Steph made Sue a scrapbook with pictures of all the Disney trips over the years as a thankyou for being the driving force behind the reunions we have had over the years.